Senin, 29 April 2013

Cheat Cheat Warcraft

Instant Win
Instant Loss
View entire map
Play after dying in campaign mode
Units need no farms
Instant spell performance
Turn off Tech-Tree
Turn off Victory
Invulnerability and 1 shot kills
leafittome (value)
greedisgood (value)
Lumber and Gold
keysersoze (value)
motherland (race) (level number)
Level select
Instant doom
Quick research
Research all upgrades
Infinite mana
DaylightSavings (Insert Hour)
Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
Speeds up the construction of buildings and units
Enable research
Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.
Play the "Power of the Horde" song
"maxfps(x)" where x is number
sets the frames per second into the set number

[Basic Warcraft 3 Cheats]
Fastbuild: WarpTen
Fastdeath: IocainePowder
God mode: WhosYourDaddy
[Warcraft 3 Resource Cheats]
Gold: KeyserSoze [amount](i.e. 'keysersoze 50000' will give you 50000 gold) Note - Default is 500.
Lumber: LeafItToMe [amount] Note - Default is 500.
Resources: GreedIsGood [amount] Note - Default is 500.
[Other Warcraft 3 Cheats]
Food: PointBreak
Mana: ThereIsNoSpoon
Cool Down: TheDudeAbides
No Defeat: StrengthAndHonor
No Victory: ItVexesMe
Research: WhoIsJohnGalt
Show Map: ISeeDeadPeople
Tech Tree: Synergy
Dawn: RiseAndShine
Dusk: LightsOut
Time of Day: DaylightSavings [hour] (i.e. 'daylightsavings 12' will set time to 12 noon) Note - The cheat without any numbers halts day/night progression as a toggle.
Upgrade: SharpAndShiny
Level Jump: Motherland [race] [level] (i.e. 'motherland human 04' will jump you to campaign level 3) Note - The level number must include interludes. So, to get to Human 9, you must actually type 'motherland human 12' since there are 3 interludes in that campaign.
[Warcraft 3 Outcome Cheats]
Defeat: SombodySetUpUsTheBomb
Victory: AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs
Find the enemy with out cheating:
If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most likely there is one more thing out there. if you press Tab{on the key board}the map will turn black and the enemy will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot the enemy.

  • TenthLevelTaurenChieftain – Memainkan lagu khusus (Warcraft III: Cuma bisa di The Frozen Throne)
  • WarpTen – Mempercepat konstruksi bangunan dan unit
  • IocainePowder – Kematian Cepat / Kerusaskan
  • WhosYourDaddy – God mode, kuat satu kali hajar dan ga bisa mati
  • KeyserSoze [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Emas, tergantung jumlah yang diisikan, kalau mau 1000 gold ketik KeyserSoze 1000
  • LeafitToMe [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Lumber (kayu)
  • GreedIsGood [jumlah] – Memberikan Anda X Emas dan Lumber (kayu)
  • PointBreak – Menghapus batas makanan
  • ThereIsNoSpoon – Mana tak terbatas
  • StrengthAndHonor – kekalahan Tidak
  • Motherland [ras] [level] – melompat melompat ke level tertentu
  • SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb – Kekalahan Instan
  • AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs – Kemenangan Instan
  • WhoIsJohnGalt – Aktifkan research (penelitian)
  • SharpAndShiny – Upgrade research (penelitian)
  • IseeDeadPeople – Hapus kabut perang atau keliatan semua dalam peta
  • Synergy – Nonaktifkan persyaratan tech tree
  • RiseAndShine – Mengatur waktu hari menuju fajar
  • LightsOut – Mengatur waktu hari menuju sore/malam
  • DayLightSavings [waktu] – Jika waktu yang ditentukan, waktu diatur ke jam tersebut, misalkan DayLightSavings 12 berarti ke jam 12. Kalau tidak disetting waktu maka hari dihentikan/dilanjutkan.

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